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Pantipa – Technical Expert, Thailand

R&D Technical Expert in the Thailand for Benchmark Advanced Nutrition, Pantipa Kongnuan, discusses her experience of working as a woman in the Aquaculture industry.

Why do you think it is important for women to work in STEM careers?

I think the women working in STEM careers will maximize innovation, creativity, resolution, and accuracy of teamwork. Also, Women bring a different perspective to the conversation, shedding light on new and unique approaches to a problem.

Can you name a woman in the scientific sphere who inspires you?

There are many women scientists and engineers that I admire. However, someone who has always inspired me was my advisor when I was doing my master’s degree at  Kasetsart University. Her name is Assoc. Prof. Orapin Jintasathaporn, a professor of aquatic animal nutrition who plays a pivotal role in connecting me to opportunities and providing invaluable mentorship as I explore a career in the field of aquaculture.

What do you love most about your job?

I love doing research trials with Artemia, Shrimp, and diet together with a research team in Belgium, Italy, and Thailand. This had a very positive impact on my research skills and increased my experience in working with and understanding farmers and researchers of different nationalities working in different parts of the world.

How have you experienced being a woman in the science sector?

I learned that failure is a normal and critical part of the scientific process and that failure is part of learning and developing better work, that is “Fail fast learn faster”

Posted February 2024

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